Features of educational institutions members
School administration in e-diary "Mano dienynas" can use these functions:
- appoint a substitute teacher;
- receive reports of school performance and print them;
- see students and teachers schedules;
- monitor teachers activities;
- create surveys to all users;
- to control the different functions of system users;
- see students grades, compliments and notes;
- see all information about parents meetings;
- by messages communicate with other system users;
- search for other institutions members and communicate with them;
- create groups and see member of group who are online.
Teachers in e-diary "Mano dienynas" can use these functions:
Teachers in e-diary "Mano dienynas" can use these functions:
- comfortable fill diary and see all relevant information in single window;
- easy and quickly enter semi-annual and trimester results;
- see all information about students health data, physical preparation characteristics and all information about students parents;
- get necessary reports;
- create surveys for students and parents;
- see already created parents meetings;
- by messages communicate with colleagues, school administration and parents;
- share news and ideas with other people;
- search for other institutions members and communicate with them;
- create groups and see member of group who are online.
Class supervisors in e-diary "Mano dienynas'' can use these functions:
- monitor each student grades, complimengts and notes;
- monitor students trimester/semester grades and achievement;
- see all assigned tests to your class;
- justify students missed classes;
- review all compliments and notes written to students;
- see all information about students health data, physical preparation characteristics and all information about students parents;
- see individual students schedules;
- create surveys for students and parents;
- give paper report for parents /guardians (those who don't have access to the Internet);
- organize parent meetings and all necessary information will be visible to parents;
- by messages communicate with colleagues, school administration and parents;
- share news and ideas with other people;
- search for other institutions members and communicate with them;
- create groups and see member of group who are online.
Kindergarten supervisors in e-diary "Mano dienynas" can use these functions:
- get kindergarten activity reports and print all necessary for archiving diary;
- monitor group supervisors work activities;
- create surveys for all users;
- see all information about parents meetings;
- search for other institutions members and communicate with them;
- create groups and see member of group who are online;
- quickly find and see kindergarten personnel contacts;
- see list of al groups in kindergarten;
- see all children who are waiting in line to kindergarte;
Group supervisors and other people who make education activity in e-diary "Mano dienynas" can use these functions:
- comfortable fill diary and see all relevant information in single window;
Easy and quickly enter weekly plans and aspirations;
- see all information about children health data;
- see parents contact information;
- get necessary reports;
- create surveys for parents and colleagues;
- see parents meetings created by kindergarten administration;
- by messages communicate with colleagues, kindergarten administration and parents;
- share news and ideas with other people;
- search for other institutions members and communicate with them;
- create groups and see member of group who are online.